Federation of Motion Picture Producers in Asia-Pacific

亞洲太平洋電影製片人聯盟 FPA

The non-government, non-profit, Asia-Pacific academic research group initiated by Mr. SHAO Yifu in 1952, other members are film and television culture groups in cities of Asia Pacific region. There is now 22 member cities of this Union, Including: Bangkok, Beijing, Bombay, Colombo, Dhaka, Hanoi, Jakarta, Karachi, Kathmandu, Kuala Lumpur, Kuwait City, Macau, Manila, Phnom Penh, Riyadh, Seoul, Sydney, Taipei, Tehran, Tokyo, Ulaanbaatar, Yangon, etc. Xiamen, one cities under observation who joined in March 2018, will also become member cities next year.

本組織是由邵逸夫先生在 1952 年發起成立的非政府、非營利的亞太影視民間學術研究團體,其會員是亞太地區城市的影視文化團體。聯盟現有22 個會員城市,包括:曼谷、北京、孟買、可倫坡、達卡、河內、雅加達、卡拉奇、加德滿都、吉隆坡、科威特市、澳門、馬尼拉、金邊、利雅德、首爾、雪梨、台北、德黑蘭、東京、烏蘭巴托、仰光等,於2018 年3 月加入的一名觀察員之城市廈門,明年也將晉升會員城市。