Asia-Pacific Film Festival

亞太影展 APFF

APFF has been held 60 times, over 60 years. It is the oldest Chinese and Asian languages film stage from Asian film festivals. It owns the functions of diplomacy, art, education, sightseeing, economic. Moreover, it is also a historic and influential film art exchange in Asia-Pacific, and an important event to foster talents.

今年邁入第 60 屆的亞太影展已有 60 多年的歷史,是亞洲電影展上最悠久的華語、亞系語言電影大舞台。具有拓展外交、文化、藝術、教育、觀光、經貿交流之功能,也是亞洲及太平洋地區電影行業歷史悠久具有一定影響的電影藝術交流與培養電影人才的重要盛會。